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what's your #energyratio?

It's June 25! Today is Steeve's big solo show, the first show I booked for him myself as his manager. Very E X C I T I N G stuff y'all! Once again, today is the day I see who REALLY fxcks with us. Let me give you some background. One of the only things I distinctly remember my father saying to me growing up was, "Nelly, all a man has in this world is his W O R D". Ever since the first time I heard him utter those words, I took it to heart. I was and have always been engulfed in the concept of deeming my personal integrity a top priority of mine. Almost everyone who knows me can say, if nothing else, that if I say I am coming, I A M COMING, but if I can't make it, I will let you know right away. Granted, there have been a few slips in the crack due to accidentally missing messages or my not-so-great memory, but they are few and far between. Probably under 5 times if I could guess. With that said, I always find it baffling how people can hit you up and say they are definitely coming to something or supporting, then no call, no text, nothing - just a no show. Then days later, a text about something unrelated - usually a favor they need, with no shame about the above dismissed convo?? It's quite baffling how people lack shame altogether, but they do. DESPITE that, I've always let my loyalty to my word and my own integrity overshadow the actual energy ratio between me and the aforementioned individual. What is this ENERGY RATIO you speak of, Shanelle Julia Rosita Campbell? Let's break it down below:

en·er·gy ra·tio

ˈenərjē ˈrāSHēˌō/

The scale in percentage of energy (i.e. time, communication, activity, focus, etc.) devoted between you and another individual. Ideally, your ratio should be exactly or as close to the 50/50 mark as possible. That means that generally, there is no time where any one party is putting in more energy than the other.

Okay - now that it's out there on the table, take a moment to comb over every relationship you have, from acquaintance to lover. What's your ratio average between everyone? Are you overall in the 75% scale as opposed to 50%? Because I sure am! Hence this cot damn post! S E V E N T Y F I V E fxcking percent. My energy is spilling over the threshold by 25%, for people who are giving me half of their half of our balance pie? When you say it out loud, quite frankly, it hurts. It hurts to know that I've let my personal integrity override what was blatantly happening, but if nothing else, it exemplifies the type of woman that I am. While that does allow me to sleep at night, I have to be pragmatic about what that entails. The pie is 50/50, so if my average includes a portion of their part of the pie, that is really saying that I am giving an additional 50% of my time towards people who can barely scrape together their half of the half? Sounds pretty pathetic when you read it out loud. So here we go: do I now become a fxck girl and just be a jerk to people in general, as some would do? NO! But what I am doing is putting myself first in every relationship that's 75/25. For example, if someone invites me to something and they don't support shxt that I do, I have to evaluate the invite. Is there free food? Networking opportunities? Is it convenient for me to attend? F R E E F O O D [insert thinking emoji]? Timeout - is this event FREE? If the event is FREE and it benefits me, plus food, then count me in! But if I'm just taking time out of my day and money out of my pocket for a person who didn't even have the decency to say "I can't make it anymore", then NO! No no no no no in my best Destiny's Child, Babu Bhatt, and Dikembe Mutombo voice and hand gestures [if you don't know 90's music, Seinfeld, or NBA anything, then those went right over your head]. The fact is this: the most critical part of energy devotion is the part where you devote TIME. T I M E. We have been conditioned to believe that money is the end all be all. Bullshxt y'all! You can lose and gain money, whatever. Money always comes back. I'm a firm believer in that, and that's why I never complain about money issues. It's pointless. But time is irreplaceable. It's something you can NEVER get back. Ever. You can replay a scene in your head 1,000,000 times forward and backward, but it will never bring that exact moment back. With that said, this is your moment to assess and clean house. Give these #energyvampires the 25% they deserve right back, and if the relationship withstands you treating them like they treat you, then they just needed to be humbled. But if it doesn't, which is the likely scenario, then #yasssss! You've just rid yourself of a pointless relationship and you now have time to focus on things like getting your life together, building your empire, and showing love to those who show it to you. Let's clear one thing up though: this is NOT being petty. This is simply being wise and also using your energy efficiently. If you devote an additional 25% of energy towards a deadbeat, then you will be giving 25% LESS to something or someone who actually deserves it. How is that fair to the people who have been riding with you, or to the thing that will bring you closer to your goals? Why should those people or those things be starved from an #energyvampire too? This behavior will ultimately have a negative impact on the good ones around you, so be mindful. With that said, remember that every single thing we do during the time where are souls are housed in these physical bodies that exist on planet earth is all a part of our legacy. At any moment, your life could change forever. At that moment, what will be said about you in your absence? Let's get better together y'all. #elevationonly

Peace, Kings & Queens


Shanelle Julia Rosita Campbell

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